*lvDisplayErr: You are currently running the SiteMgr client from a remote machine\n(thru a rlogin shell, for example). The SiteMgr Link View display\nperformance is better when the SiteMgr client is run *on*\nyour local machine and not from a remote session.\n\nOk to continue?
!! aspect ratio of LinkView globe...if set to True, will preserve the sphere
*copyOpt2.labelString: Make Copy And Get Document/Check Out
*copyOpt3.labelString: Make Copy And Edit
*linksDialog.title: SiteMgr - Auto-Link Update
*linksDialog.iconName: SiteMgrLinks
*linksDialog.x: 400
*linksDialog.y: 300
*linksDialog.width: 550
*linksDialog.y: 350
*linksDialog*helpLbl.rows: 8
*linksDialog*helpLbl.value: The list below shows documents that reference a document, or set\nof documents, that have been moved or renamed.\n\nSiteMgr will try to correct these links automatically. Note that\nthis operation may take some time...\n\nIf you wish to exclude any of these documents from this process,\nselect an entry and click \"Remove\" to remove it from the list.
*findRepDialog*helpLbl.value: The list below shows documents that have been chosen from within\nthe Site View for a "Find and Replace" operation.\n\nSiteMgr will update the documents automatically, once the necessary\ninformation is provided.\n\nIf you wish to exclude any of these documents from this process,\nselect an entry and click \"Remove\" to remove it from the list.
*err101: Document Does Not Exist.\n\nPerhaps your SiteMgr Database needs to be updated?\nSee \"Update Site Information\" under the \"Views\" menu item.
*err102a: Access Denied and/or Authorization Failed. Does\nthe specified web site and/or directory exist?
*errAuth: Cannot create necessary .sitemgr directory under\n%s for specified server.\nServer may not be running with the proper user ID to complete\nthis function.\n\nClick "OK" to return to the dialog (to modify specified information);\notherwise, click "Cancel" to close the dialog
*err103: Requested Version of Document Does Not Exist.
*err104: Problem Merging Document Modifications.
*err105: Referenced Document Does Not Exist.
*err106: Function Not Yet Implemented in SiteMgr.
*err107: The Requested Site is Not \"SiteMgr-Enabled\".
*err108: Error Contacting Server or the site does not have the SiteMgr Server Extensions\n(CGI's) installed. They can be installed from the sitemgr.sw.server subsystem.
*err109: Error Connecting to Requested Site.
*err110: Connection Error.
*err111: Cannot Read Document.
*err112: Cannot Write Document.
*err113: Transaction Aborted.
*err114: Authorization Required To Access Requested Site.
*err120: Sorry, you are not allowed to publish a document into the designated area.
*err121: SiteMgr server extensions running on a different port than what\nhas been specified. Try port : \ \
*err200: Database Does Not Exist. Is Requested Site \"SiteMgr-Enabled\"?
*err201: Cannot Find SiteMgr Database on Requested Site.\nIs Requested Site \"SiteMgr-Enabled\"?
*err202: Cannot Access/Initialize SiteMgr Database on Requested Site.\nIs Requested Site \"SiteMgr-Enabled\"?\nAre ownership privileges setup properly?
*err203: Requested Document Has Been Removed from this Site.
*err204: Cannot Read from SiteMgr Database.\nIs Requested Site \"SiteMgr-Enabled\"?\nAre ownership privileges setup properly?
*err205: Cannot Write to SiteMgr Database.\nAre ownership privileges setup properly?
*filewriteErr: Cannot save specified file:\n\n%s\n\nPossible permissions problem in writing to designated directory/file.\nCheck your workarea variable (Preferences) and/or specified filename.
*ERRprintMsg:Error Printing.
*INFOprintOkMsg:Printing Complete.
*errInf: \n\nAdditional Information:\n\n
*busyMsg: Initializing SiteMgr...
*openErr: SiteMgr Initialization failed.
*pubErr: Nothing selected to publish.
*rmErr: Nothing selected for removal.
*ciErr: Nothing selected for check in.
*ciNewErr: Select the directory where you wish to check in the New document.
*copyNewErr:Select the directory where you wish to place a copy created from the template.
*findRepErr:Select a document (or set of documents) to perform a\n"Find and Replace" operation on.
*coErr: Nothing selected for check out.
*lockErr: Nothing selected for lock/unlock.
*inprocessErr: Database is currently being initialized.\nWorking on document number %s...
*edErr: Nothing selected for edit.
*infoErr: Nothing selected for info.
*viewErr: Nothing selected to view.
*lockMsgO: Document is currently locked by: %s\n\nOK to attempt to override lock?
*lockMsgPrompt: Document is currently locked by: %s\n\nTry 'Unlock' to attempt to override
*lockMsgErr: Document is currently locked by: %s
*lockMsgErr2: Document is currently locked by: %s\n(yourself -- possibly done through another \"revision control\"-oriented tool?).
*fileExists:%s \ \ already exists.\n\nOK to overwite?
*localNotFd: Your local copy of the document/file-\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %s\n\nis not found on this client.\n\nOK to checkout a new version of the file for editing?
*validateErr:Nothing selected for validation.
*validateLocalErr:Error Accessing Link Information from SiteMgr Database on Requested Site.\nAre ownership privileges setup properly?\n\nNote that the Link reporting may not be accurate.
*noedit1: Cannot find an editor to use.\nYou can use the \"Options\" dialog to specify one.\n\nPlease specify one to use at this time:
*noedit2: Cannot find an editor to use.\n\nPlease specify one to use at this time:
*coMsg: Save File As:
*coVersConf: Retrieve a copy of version %s of document %s ?
*sameFile: Published file was exactly the same as previous version.\nVersion log was not updated with your comments.
*badFile: Cannot find the specified local document/file:\n\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ %s\n\nCheckin operation will be aborted.
*updateView:Updating view of site...
*overwrite:%s exists.\nOK to overwrite?
*renameQ: OK to rename %s to %s?
*rmAll: OK to remove selected document(s)?
*mvAll: OK to move selected document(s) to %s ?
*rmDir: The directory %s is not empty.\nWould you like to remove the directory and its contents?
*copyDirQ: Copy directory %s to (new basename required):
*copyFileQ: Copy document %s to (new basename required):
*templateQ: Copy template to (new basename required):
*badSave: SiteMgr session information not saved!\nIs %s writable?
*dirselect:Select a location to place the directory in first...
*dirname: Note : The view created for a new directory is not maintained if a\nnew web site is loaded. To maintain the view of a new directory,\ndocument(s) need to be published/checked into it.\n\nName for new directory:
*direrror: Error creating a new directory. Try again.
*editerror: Could not execute editor:\n\n%s\n\nUse the \"Options\" dialog to specify a valid editor.
*ssErrNull: No data received from server.
*ssErrInval: Invalid data received from server:\n\n%s
*ssErr401: SS401: Malformed CGI request
*ssErr402: SS402: Error opening server database, check file permissions:\n\n%s
*ssErr403: Requested log file does not exist on server.
*vizInterruptMsg: Displaying requests from %s to %s
*version: SiteMgr Version 1.1\n\nCopyright (c) 1996-1998\nSilicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n\nCopyright (c) 1990, 1993, 1994\nThe Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.\n\nSiteMgr incorporates a modified version of the free software package Geomview,\nan interactive geometry viewing program. Its original source code may be obtained\nvia anonymous ftp from geom.umn.edu. Geomview was written at The National Science\nand Technology Research Center for Computation and Visualization of Geometric\nStructures (The Geometry Center), University of Minnesota, 1300 South Second Street,\nMinneapolis, MN, 55454, USA. Email: software@geom.umn.edu
*copySSerr:You have requested to copy this document (or document set)\nto an area of the web site that is outside of SiteMgr's control\nAn invalid directory has been specified. This is not allowed.\n\nPlease try the operation again.
*copyCancel:Nothing specified for target. Operation cancelled.
*ciSSerr:You have requested to check-in this document (or document set)\nto an area of the web site that is outside of SiteMgr's control\nAn invalid directory has been specified. This is not allowed.\n\nPlease try the operation again.
*ssExists: For the Web Site Location server/path combination,\na SiteMgr database was found.\n\nOk to load full site? (\"Cancel\" simply changes the view).
*cannotLoad:Cannot load and/or connect using the requested \"Web Site Location\"\nserver/path combination.\n\nIs the site \"SiteMgr\"-enabled, with the proper SiteMgr\nsoftware loaded? See the SiteMgr Release Notes for details.\n\nHas the site been properly initialized? Access the menu\nitem \"Initialize (New) Site\" under the \"Views\" menu.
*lvCmapErr: Cannot Create Link View Window\n\nYou may need to close some applications on your desktop and try again.
*badVis:/usr/bin/X11/xconfirm -B OK -icon error -header "SiteMgr Error" -t "Cannot Start SiteMgr!" -t "Either the requested server visual was not found or" -t "there is a problem allocating the proper colors!" -t "You may need to close some applications on your" -t "desktop and then try to run SiteMgr again." > /dev/null &
*serverH:Document server instance (foo.bar.com[:port][/additional_path]).
*smserverH:SiteMgr server instance (foo.bar.com[:port][/additional_path]).
*logdirH:Location of log file(s) for the server and port instance.
*excludedirH:List of directories under document root to exclude from processing.
*updateState: Updating State Information...
*updateDocs: Updating Document Information...
*treeSetup: Problem loading information. Try to \"Load Web Site\" again.
*vcslH:Version control turned on/off for SiteMgr (eoe.sw.rcs REQUIRED on server to turn ON).
*vcsH:Version control turned on/off for SiteMgr (eoe.sw.rcs REQUIRED on server to turn ON).
*emailH:Email address(es) to send results of database initialization to.
*homepgsH: "Home" pages to look for: index.html, home.html, welcome.html, etc.
*errNoServer: SiteMgr Server/Location not specified. Please try again.
*InitDlg*initdbHelp.value: For the server and path you specified, a SiteMgr database was not found.\nThis dialog allows you to perform the necessary operation to create one on\nyour server.\n\nFill out the required information and click \"Initialize Database\".
*UpdateDlg*initdbHelp.value: Fill out the information you wish to change, and/or click \"Update Database\".
*initdbNobody.value: For the server you specified, the user it is running under is \"nobody\".\nThis may severely limit the operations SiteMgr can perform. You may\nwish to change your server user Id (found in magnus.conf or httpd.conf)\nand restart your server before initializing (this is only a warning).
*initdbSecurity.value:After the database is initialized, anyone with Web access to the SiteMgr\nhttp server can write to your site. It is strongly recommended that\nyou configure that server's authorization features so that password\nprotection and/or domain restrictions apply.\n\nSee Chapter 2 of the SiteMgr Release Notes for further information.
*contInit: This operation may take some time to complete.\n\nIt is advisable to set the \"Email Results To:\" field and quit SiteMgr.\nYou will then receive notification of the database creation operation.\n\nIf all fields are correct and you wish to proceed, click "OK".
*contUp: This operation may take some time to complete.\n\nIf all fields are correct and you wish to proceed, click "OK".
*changeSetHdr:\nFrom -> To\n\n
*docSetHdr:\n\nDocuments To Change\n\n
*errDB: Error (%s) detected.\nDo you wish to try again?
*cancelDB: Initialization of SiteMgr database cancelled.
*resultsDB: Results:\n%s
*resultsUpdateDB: Results: %s\n\nInformation has been updated. Ok to reload site?
*diffProb:Problem showing diff(erences).
*validateOption:You need to choose a \"Validate:\" option.\n\nClick on one or more of the available options (\"Local Site Links\", etc.).
*mailhdr:The following was checked into :
*noSaveRC: Cannot save $HOME/.sitemgr/.sitemgrrc\n\nPermissions problem encountered when saving to file.\nPlease examine this file and/or directory; you may need to\nchange the ownership (chown) or remove it.\n\nSiteMgr client preferences cannot be saved at this time.
*httpsProb: Accessing documents via the \"secure\" (https) protocol is only available\nfrom an \"alternate browser\", and not from the built-in Previewer at this time.\n\nSiteMgr will not allow use of the built-in Previewer if the \"Use https\" toggle is ON.\n\n(This message will only appear once for this current SiteMgr session).
*reinitMsg: SiteMgr has determined that your database is one which requires\nupdating (different/older version detected).\n\nNOTE: Before updating, make sure your server has the latest SiteMgr\nServer Extensions (version 1.1) installed! Refer to the SiteMgr Release\nNotes for further information.\n\nSiteMgr will update your database for you automatically: make sure the\ninformation in the \"SiteMgr - Initialization\" dialog is correct and click\nthe \"Initialize Database\" button...